Thursday 20 October 2011

Momento Analysis.

The titles in Momento are unusual to one of a conventional thriller. The typical thriller thing to do it use a black background, with either red or white writing, this gives the audience a sence of fear, the red indicating blood, the white possibly showing death. However in Momento the titles are done on blue and black. This shows a possible theme of loneliness that could occure throughout the film, possible a form of foreshadowing by the director. The non-diagetic sounds used in the titles also show this idea of loneliness using a single instrument to begin with, and slowly adding more and more as the titles and opening scene progress. It conotes the feeling of loneliness by giving the audience a subtle and pensive sound, this again indicates how the main character goes about himself throughtout the film. As the titles finish, you get another non-diegetic sound, this being the sound of a ticking clock. This infers the idea that there is an oddity in time throughout the film. The film is done in a non-linear fashion meaning that it is backwards.

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